Devold of Norway now in New Zealand. Home delivery with DHL in 5-10 days  🚚


We launched our “Sheep to Shop” programme in 2017 with a pledge of full traceability and total transparency at every step of our value chain.

Quality is traceable

100% traceability

All Devold clothing is traceable, with over 60 % being traceable all the way down to the farm where the wool came from. Our garments carry the name of the farm that produced the wool. This means you can be sure that your wool is produced ethically.

Unique quality control

Devold is committed to long-term contracts with a select few farmers. This solid relationship gives the farmer predictability and ensures that we obtain quality wool that meets our stringent requirements.

Our factory

The factory has been in our ownership ever since inception. If you buy Devold, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that the people who have produced your clothes are people working in a good working environment.